Dues Renewal Process Profile

The Dues Renewal Process is an efficient way of creating mass multiple renewals of invoices based on member type and effective dates.

Use the topics in this section to help you renew memberships and add membership packages to the association.


Expire Date From/Through & Selected Types/Statuses 
This data is used to determine which members should be included in the process.
If cleared, a terms renewal invoice is created.
The accounting batch in which to add the renewal invoices
Scheduled Task 
If cleared, the mass renewal selection process will run immediately upon Saving. If it remains defaulted, the mass renewal selection will be submitted as a windows scheduled task.
The ScheduleDuesRenewalProcess system option must correspond to the method used here. If the system option is enabled, the renewal process must be scheduled. If the system option is disabled, the renew process cannot be scheduled.
E-mail Notification Address 
This identifies who will receive notification that the process is complete. This is for internal purposes ONLY and can edited to a different e-mail address if so desired.
Correspondence Template 
A different template may be selected by the user. See NOTE under E-Mail notification address paragraph above.

Once the job is scheduled to run, the Membership Renewal Profile will be displayed with a task status of Processing and the status message field will indicate the scheduled task ID. At this time the Create Renewal Invoices button will display but not be activated until the Get Records process is complete.

After you receive the netFORUM Dues Renewal Extract Scheduled Task Notification, go back to the Membership Renewal Profile. The scheduled task status should still say 'Processing,' since the first part of the scheduled process is the selection of the members from the query result list and the invoice creation has not yet occurred until you proceed with the next step.

When you click the create renewal invoices button, another scheduled task will be submitted to create the actual renewal invoices.

The Completed status merely indicates that the renewal selection is completed although the creation of the renewal invoices may still be in progress. Once the invoice creation scheduled task completes, another netFORUM Dues Renewal Extract Scheduled Task Notification e-mail will be sent to the user who submitted the job. The second e-mail indicates that the invoice creation task is complete.

If there are errors in the process, the number of errors will reflect the number of renewals that encountered errors and the specific cause of the errors will be displayed in the error detail child form.

The remove records with no renewal invoice button allows you to remove those members from consideration that were selected but did not get actual renewal invoices. This is necessary because the process will not create a renewal invoice for the member if they have already been selected in another renewal batch.

If the batch renewal summary child form shows the # of renewals to be different to the # of invoices created, you MUST click the "remove records with no renewal invoice," otherwise those members will never be included in future renewal batches. Check the mdr_invoice_created_flag to see which renewals are stuck. Those with 0 will never be renewed again. Running this process removes all 0 items from the table.

Technical Information

If the system option MembershipRejoinOnAdd is enabled, when a membership is added, netFORUM will check for previous memberships. If a previous membership is found, the join date field on the new membership record will populate with the join date from the previous membership.

If the system option is disabled, netFORUM will treat adding a new membership as adding a new membership and the join date will default to the current date.

Note: If the Rejoin link is used from the Membership Profile, netFORUM will treat the record as a rejoined membership and populate the rejoin date.


Renewal Errors caused by Failed Payment

Q. If a membership fails to renew because the saved payment information in the auto-pay fails, what happens?

A. If this happens, then the membership is not renewed, and a new invoice is not created. To resolve these, you will need to try them again. If they fail, then you may clear out the auto-pay information and renew the membership to create an invoice, and then contact the member for payment.